Port McNeil Transmission Repair

Living in Port McNeil BC, you may not know that your transmission is the most complicated part of your vehicle, and is something best left to experts. Experts like us who have been trusted in Victoria and all over Vancouver Island for over 50 years.

At Victoria Transmission & Auto Care, we specialize in complete transmission repair, transmission re-building, and replacement services for residents and business all over Vancouver Island including those of you in Port McNeil.

What sets our team apart is the attention to detail and pride of workmanship that we invest into each and every job. Our certified technicians are some of the best in the business, and have an average of 30 years of experience.

Although we are not physically located in Port McNeil, we are excited to announce that we are offering our top quality transmission and driveline products to those of you located in Port McNeil as part of our regional expansion activities. We have partnered with a select group of installer shops: authorized dealer shops with expert mechanics in Port McNeil who will professionally install your Victoria Transmission & Auto Care rebuilt transmission, transfer case, or driveline component; with the same quality and precision that our customers have come to enjoy in the city of Victoria for the last 50 years.

We are also happy to offer discounted rates on long distance towing if you would like to have your transmission installed in Victoria.

If you have any transmission-related issues in Port McNeil or the surrounding area please contact:

Peter Block or Gary Gronow

Phone Number: 1(250) 382-2833

Toll Free: 1(888) 475-2851