My clutch is slipping

Squealing coming from your engine can not only be annoying, it can also be a sign that your engine belt is either old and close to breaking or that it is not tensioned properly. Here we will explain exactly what your vehicle uses engine belts for, what happens when they do not work properly, and what can be done to fix any problems that arise.

Belts use your engine’s energy to power any accessories that require it

Essential accessories, from your vehicle’s water pump to its alternator, depend on one or more rubber engine belts to function properly. Some non-essential accessories, such as your air conditioning unit, also may utilize engine belts for energy. The strength of these belts comes from the power they gain from the rotational energy of your engine.

There are two possible set-ups for engine belts in modern vehicles. One of these set-ups is for there to be multiple engine belts on a metal crank pulley, each of which can be used to run one or two accessories. This makes it so there will usually be four or less belts. If one of the belts breaks, the others should still be able to function well.

The second set-up uses one engine belt to run all of the accessories. Through the use of a serpentine route, the belt is run through and around the pulleys.

Squealing sounds could be a sign that your car is at risk of breaking down

Whichever type of set up your vehicle has, it remains true that the reason you hear the squealing noise is that a belt is slipping on the pulley. This occurs because the belt’s surface is old or the belt is too loose or too tight in tension. If a belt does break or slip off, you may be left with an unusable essential accessory, until you can get the belt replaced by a mechanic.

A belt that is too loose can slip entirely off the pulley or slide while on the pulley, making it unable to transfer power over to whatever accessory or accessories it is meant to power. A belt that is too tight is more likely to stretch or break easily, and it also could cause pulley bearings to wear out and too much resistance to be created in your motor. This may result in the need for a new pulley; you can source such products from a USA based pulley manufacturer to get everything back in working order. A belt that is too old, on the other hand, may have a surface that is cracked or brittle.

Engine belts can be adjusted for tension or replaced

If you hear squealing from your engine, now is the time to get your engine belts looked at in regards to their tension and their strength with our vehicle belt and hoses installation services.